What do Alberto Morillas and the Daisy Love perfume have in common?
If you have never heard of Alberto Morillas, he is the famous perfumer behind some of our most beloved and favorite fragrances. One such fragrance is the Marc Jacobs perfume, Daisy Love. You will enjoy a delicate, wonderful blend of the fruity aroma of the Cloudberry together with the floral fragrance of the unique Daisy Tree found only in the Galapagos Islands, Santa Cruz Santiago and Floreana. Added to this lovely blend is a woody-musk base allowing you to fully experience the joy of nature as if you were walking deep in the forest filled with sweet smelling trees, berries and spring blossoms.
Feeling the fragrant floral scent of nature with Daisy Love perfume by Marc Jacobs.
Marc Jacobs perfume, Daisy Love –The fragrance that will always remind me of my dear beloved Grandmother, Daisy who recently passed away