Fashion Week Day 5# Final Fashion Shows at WMCFW

by - 5:00:00 PM

Fashion Week Day 5# Final Fashion Shows at WMCFW

 Michal D Beautiful Fashion Show Presenting stunning evening gowns!

I must say the final day in Fashion week was just amazing! the beautiful gowns flowing down the runway filled my heart with butterflies. the designers I especially enjoyed this day were Brit Wacher, Mikhael Kale, Stephen Caras and of course the last one who presented, Mikael D. These designers are so talented and their wondeful collections just prove it. Iam already curious what we will see in the next season at World MasterCard Fashion Week.

Dress by Mdame Moje

Stephen Caras Fashion Show

HD Homme Fashion Show. Polisheed duffle bags and bathingsuits.

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